Thursday, September 11, 2008


I'm learning that I have limits. I suppose that we all do.

Today I made a stunning realization: I can't imagine being free of wanting, wishing, and hoping things were different. And that's a little scary.

I spend so much of my time wishing for my life to be different. I wish I was good looking like this person, or popular like him, or in love like them. I waste so much time wishing, waiting, and hoping for things to be different that I miss the chance to be myself.

Slowly, I must learn that some people are just better looking, have more talent, more money, or more popularity. Sometimes things work out for one person, and not others.

I need to learn to embrace who I am. My history. My circumstances. My talents. My abilities.

And I need to learn to be happy with that, because this is the lot that God has chosen to give me. All I can do is pursue doing the things that I have been called to do, and be satisfied with that.

But that attitude seems so far away.

But yet, it's getting a little closer by the second.

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