Monday, October 12, 2009

The After Sunday Recap: October 11

This Sunday, we unpacked the idea of giftedness, and how God has equipped each of us to serve. God has given us a gift; we must use it to help out Christ's body, the church, as well as further the kingdom of God as a whole. While we may feel our own gifts are insignificant or different, today we unpacked the simple fact that the Holy Spirit has given each of us a gift for a specific purpose.

For me, I think that the most important verse we examined today was 1 Peter 4:10. We are directly commanded to use whatever gifts we have to serve others. I think that for me, part of this also means that I have a responsibility to discover what my gifts are (perhaps even those I don't notice, that are lying underneath the service) so that I can use them in some way to advance the gospel message. I also think it's interesting when Peter says that by using our gifts to serve, we are faithfully administering God's grace in all of its forms. When I share my gift with others, I am directly participating in the sharing of God's grace. I think that's pretty cool.

So I think that after today, we're left with a few simple questions:
  • What are my gifts?
  • How can I use those for service?
For me, I think a real gift of mine is music, and in fact, because I sense that giftedness, I decided to become a pastor so that I could use that gift in order to serve God. Maybe your gift is administration. Maybe it's leading other people. Maybe it's even something that we would (unfortunately) classify as something ordinary, like the gifts spoken of in Romans 12. Each gift is important. And each gift can be used by us to glorify and serve God (and others) in some way. We just have to have the discipline to figure out how.

1 comment:

  1. We are one body with many parts all working together so that the whole body benefits. If one part is not working or sharing his gift then the whole suffers. Obviously I am paraphrasing. Good stuff,Wes.
