So I finally finished "Crazy Love" yesterday.
And now I'm sort of left with the question, "What happens next?"
There is no doubt that this book has convicted me profoundly; probably more so than any book that I've ever read. But I'd just really hate to finish this book, walk away, and then do nothing. After all, the entire point of the book (to me, at least) is that our love for the God who has saved us should prompt us to take action and live the true Christian life; a life that goes far above and beyond the call in its desire to love, give, and serve.
As I read chapter 9 and the stories of people who did or are doing incredible things to further the kingdom of God, I left feeling really overwhelmed on a few fronts. Number one, I just can't imagine a life like that. It's scary, and even to me, a person who believes we need to trust and give God all we have and are, seems pretty crazy. But it also left me feeling overwhelmed in the sense that I just felt like I could never do this. "There's just no way this can happen," I continued to say in my heart. I was defeating myself before I even began.
And that's when I believe that the Holy Spirit spoke to me and reminded me that that's the point. I can't do it. Only He can. I believe that as a Christian, God is going to continue transforming me and changing my life. He has opened my eyes to many of the ways in which I am failing him through this selfish, self-centered, self-serving faith that I am living. Now He calls me to do something about it, trusting that along the journey, He is going to mold and shape me and change my heart, mind, and lifestyle into being one that gives even more glory and honor to Him.
So how am I going to change? Number one, I'm going to pray that God would help me to love Him. That was a prayer mentioned by Francis at some point in the book, and it's one that I've started praying since. And though I've only been doing that about a week or so, I believe that I'm already seeing some fruit from that and that I'm seeing the beginnings of God's transformation on my heart, and that excites me. God tells us that without love, our service means nothing, so it all has to start here.
Secondly, I'm praying for God to have all of me, and to use me and spend me for His purposes, whatever that means. If I'm brutally honest with myself, I think that I sort of fall into that category of people Francis talks about who are honestly satisfied with the amount of God they already have... God occupies a segment of our lives so that we can claim to be Christ-followers and just go about living life. I don't want to be that person. In the most loving way possible, while I believe those people are certainly loved and saved by God, I think that is a terrible substitute for the true Christian life. As much as it scares me to pray for God to have all of me, I'm going to pray it anyway and see what happens. To do anything less wouldn't be living up to the fullest extent of the plan that God has laid out for me.
I'm also going to make a strong commitment to give more. I already tithe 10%, but I am very convicted that I need to be giving more than that (just a personal conviction; please don't think I'm saying everyone has to do this), embodying the generosity that God has shown to me in Christ. So I've decided that each month, in addition to my church offering, I'm going to offer up an extra portion of my income to help the poor, the oppressed, the sick, and the hungry across the earth. Does that make sense given my lack of income right now? No. Does it scare me? You bet. But God does ask us to test Him in this matter, and I, for one, am anxious to see how He provides.
I know I need to serve somewhere, but I'm not really sure where my heart lies yet. Maybe in homeless ministry? Maybe helping single parents and/or broken families? Maybe helping out those suffering from addiction? There's a lady at our church who is actively involved in ministry to incarcerated individuals and their families... I'm sort of intrigued about that as well. This is what scares me the most, because in a lot of ways I think I treasure my time above everything else. But this is part of what I feel all of us as Christians are called to do... to serve and help others in need and distress, regardless of how difficult or uncomfortable it is.
Guys, I need your prayers as I embark on this journey. But I am trusting that God is going to do some amazing things as I continue to let Him lead me, no matter how scary it may seem.
What did "Crazy Love" teach me? It taught me to adopt a model for my life of loving, serving, and giving because that is what God so generously did with us.
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