Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Life... From Where I Stand.

So much is happening.

I'm sitting here, and looking back at the beginning of the semester, thinking of how much things have changed. It's really funny how you think that things will work out one way, and then how God totally changes your plans.

I started this semester working practically full-time at Gap; around 20-25 hours a week, plus my 19 credit hours of classes, so that's kind of crazy. However, by the grace of God, I was given a great job working at a great church in the Dayton area. I was really beginning to wonder if this whole ministry thing was for me, and I think that my job now has really grown me as a worship leader, as a minister, and just as a person. I've been forced outside of my comfort zone in a few different ways, and that has led to great growth for me.

I've also seen some relationships develop as well. I'm still amazed at the way that I get along with my parents. We had a few awkward years where our relationship was sort of transitioning from parents to friends. But now, I think our relationship is better than ever. I'm beginning to feel the freedom to open up to my parents and share with them what's happening and what's on my mind. I'm even just amazed at myself; I remember walking into school last year and feeling so "in between;" I was in a real transition phase with my life and I didn't really know what to do.

I've seen my relationship with both of my friends Ami and C.J. develop. I am very thankful for them each day, and while I do not see them as often anymore, I have been thankful to see my relationship with them develop. It's also been great to see their relationship with each other to develop as a married couple. I've also formed some stronger friendships with other people. My friend Mikaila who goes to Xavier has become a good friend of mine, and I pray that God continues to develop our friendship with each other more in the future. I've also become better friends with people here on campus like Stephen, and I've even befriended a few new students here at CCU like Josh T., Josh C., Sarah Brown, Alec, Eddie, Eric, Crystal, Mackenzie and the like. This all goes without mentioning my newfound friends at Southwest; people like Scott and Sherry, Deb O'Keefe, Boomer and Lara, the Garlands, etc.

As I look ahead to the future, I'm excited about what lies ahead. Here at school, I've taken a position as Campus Worship Minister, overseeing all activities related to worship at chapel, and even being the primary instructor for a few of the worship classes at CCU. I'm receiving a 12 hour scholarship, which is also pretty awesome. At Southwest, the church continues to grow, and I feel absolutely sure in saying that I have nothing to do with it; it is all a God thing. I pray that he continues to grow our church as we continue on in 2009.

I am still single. That's a battle I fight every day. I really admire people like my friend Brent who embrace that. I wish I could be like him, but I'm not. That's just not how I'm wired I guess. However, I do feel that in the past year I have made some significant growth as a person. Relationships and commitments don't scare me anymore, assuming that it's with the right person. For the first time in a long time I don't feel that I would compromise on the things that I want in another person just to be in a relationship. While I'm still waiting and still going through my share of heartache and hardship, I do feel like a healthier person in this aspect this year, and that's something to be excited about I suppose.

Most of all, though, I pray that God makes me a purer, more loving person. I think that I echo the words of David in Psalm 51 when I ask for God to create in me a clean heart.

1 comment:

  1. What you are doing sounds great, and the commitments you have made to ministry make all the difference. If you are where God is calling you to be, (which is seems like you are), He is definitely going to grant you the things which you are seeking. However, it's going to be on His own time. And really, what time is better than that?

    From what I can gather you are still in the process of learning a lot about relationships and Your place in the Kingdom of God. Work those things out, and do it with a ready heart. I believe your life has great things in store.
